Pleasure #146

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It doesn't feel like the end of the season. Looking at the forecast, we're in for some spring pow this week. Not to mention the monstrosity of a winter our spoiled friends in the US had in recent weeks/months. Yet it's April 11th, which usually means two things: Winter is coming to an end, and this final Pleasure issue of the 22/23 season is about to get sent off to the printers.

But is it? Yes, the mag season is over. As always, we could go on about deadlines and forgotten emails, but nobody wants to hear about that boring stuff. Instead, we have to talk about what's been going on in the USA lately. According to various data, the 22/23 season has been the snowiest on record in North America, especially in the US West. Last time we checked, Brighton in Utash was pushing 20 meters with more to come, setting a new record for the deepest season ever. If you follow Andrew Miller (more of him later in this issue), you know what we're talking about. Fredi Kalbermatten said he's never seen that much snow in his entire (for the record: he's from Switzerland) and Nick Russell had problems finding his house. We're usually not begrudging other people and fully appreciate slush laps in January and February. Still, if we get our fair share of those conditions next season, we won't complain.

Now, let's get to this fourth Pleasure issue of the 22/23 season. Some mags are easier to produce. No big problems occur, everything works smoothly, the whole team is happy, smiling and relaxed. This one was a pain in the ass. Issue 146 was like that annoying kid who hurts your feelings in the worst possible situation. Sure, sooner than later, that nerve-wracking brat will be your favourite kid (when it's finally out of the house) and you'll laugh yourself to tears while talking about all the shit you lived through, but before all that – it's a pain in the ass.

Luckily, that brat, aka Pleasure Issue 146, is out of the house now, and we're starting to like it. Featuring Mikey LeBlanc with a very well-deserved cover and one hell of an interview, the ever-brilliant Zoi Sadowski-Synnott, Mr. Torstein Horgmo, travel stories from Japan and Georgia, Dusty Henricksen, Sarah King, Mark Clinton, lots of fresh news products, a story about hard boots and much more.

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