Looking Sidways Podcast: Henry Jackson, Episode 157

I’ve covered plenty of people with unusual jobs on this podcast. Hell, my gig is pretty bloody weird. But this week’s guest Henry Jackson’s job is so unusual that it’s become the basis of a catchphrase - ‘My job is weirder than yours.’ So what does Henry do? He’s an MC, a commentator, a broadcaster - a ‘professional shit talker’ as he puts it. But the truth is that Henry is one of the most interesting, unique and compelling communicators in snowboarding today. Somebody with his blend of charisma and sideways chops was always going to be noticed, and today he’s parlayed this blend into a totally unique industry role for himself in - yes - the finest lifer tradition. It also means that this episode was a total joy to record. Of course it helped that Henry is an old friend of mine. It also helped that we both came up through the snowboarding industry, meaning I was very much on home turf for most of this chat. But really, the credit must go to Henry. Every now and again though, I record an episode where within five minutes I know I’m in the hands of an absolute master communicator and storyteller, meaning I can just relax and enjoy the conversation for its own sake. And this episode with Henry Jackson is, I’m happy to say, one of these occasions.

via Looking Sideways


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