Looking Sideways Podcast: Billy Morgan, Episode 37

Snowboarder Billy Morgan’s life changed forever the day he won an Olympic bronze medal at the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics.

This is a conversation on two levels.

Firstly – of course – we discuss all thing GB Park & Pipe in Pyeongchang, and get right into the details of exactly how it went down during the Slopestyle and Big Air. We discuss his mental preparation, relationship with coach Hamish McKnight, and the fine margins and infinitesimal decisions that make the difference.

But on another level, this one is about Billy the human, and how he’s coping with one of the defining moments of his life as it unfolds around him. As you might expect if you listened to part one, Billy tells that part of the story with the pitiless honesty, self deprecating humour and humbleness that make him such a popular figure in the snowboarding community.

Billy approached our conversation with complete candour and honesty, offering up a truly revealing insight into how a world class athlete comes with the biggest stage of all – before, during and after.

via Looking Sideways


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