Pleasure Snowboard Mag

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Korua Shapes' "Yearning for Turning" Episode 5

After having spent too much time at trade shows we started growing restless and felt the urge for exploration take over. With no specific plan or agenda we embarked on a trip to Japan, leaving behind all expectations and letting local friends as well as our own curiosities guide our way to the goods. Travelling with that kind of mindset opens doors to new experiences and leaves room for spontaneity. Each day we saw new places, had different adventures, met kind and welcoming people, and enjoyed plenty of powder.

Featuring: Atsufumi Mizuno, Nicholas Wolken, Aaron Schwartz, Stephan Maurer and Yoshiyuki Kobayashi

Filming: Aaron Schwartz, Stephan Maurer, Neil Hartmann and Nicholas Wolken

Editing: Stephan Maurer

Graphics: Aaron Schwartz

via Korua Shapes