Adrian Krainer – Cutting Loose

"Without a clue that the season will be a very short one I tried to film as much as possible. From street to backcountry into a park jump session. I stayed busy until the lockdown forced me to sit back and wait it out. Definetly a though year but still one for the books with the whole crew. Special thanks goes out to Clemens who is the mastermind of editing, filming, and making things happen.

And to all the other filmers who gave their best to capture the moments we live for!"

Filmers: Clemens Millauer, Jonas Schnuerch, Pablo Films, Olliepop Media House, Andreas Gasser & Markus Klaes.

Edit: Clemens Millauer.

Locations: Austrian Alps & Kosovo.

Supported by: K2 Snowboarding, Smith Optics, Absolut Park, Dirtlove.

via ShredBots


Camp RK1


Looking Sideways Podcast: Selema Masekela, Episode 146