New Date! Absolut Park: The Grilo Memorial on April 3rd, 2022

This weekend, on Sunday, April 3rd, the first Grilo Memorial will be held at Austria's Absolut Park. If you're around, make sure to stop by for runs, laugh and a general great time. Here's what Grilo's wife, Nina, has to say – MG forever!

Grilo was so much more than we could ever put into words. We could go on about his snowboarding, his friendships, his laughter, sense of humor, his love for his family, sports, the outdoors and his passion for life in general and we should go on about it...

So let’s do it!

Let’s do runs, hang out, laugh, remember him and honor him, this April 3rd at Absolut Park and hopefully this becomes an annual thing, to remember the legacy he has left behind for all of us to enjoy.

We hope to see you there!

With Love,



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